Creating a new report is easy. We have a wizard that takes you to the process:
- Select Report
- Choose your report category and sub-type
- Optionally you can pick a pre-defined template which will determine how the report is formatted
- Filter Selection
Set report specific parameters and pick which asset(groups) to report over. - Templates / Columns (optional)
Pick a pre-defined column template or create a new one. - Schedule
Instant or recurring. - Confirm
Templates define how a report is displayed. Meaning which columns are shown, how the report is grouped and sorted. Depending on your permissions you can chose from existing templates or you can also create new templates.
Using the formatting option you can choose how the column will be displayed. It will be able to format based on the DataType (Integer, DateTime, Duration).
Unit Of Measure can be set to make explicitly clear what type of data is displayed. In screenshot below you can see that the ‘L’ is added to indicate the unit is in Liters.
Grouping will add totals to the report.
You can add custom columns that have a ‘formula’. With a formula you can add custom logic to the report.
You can reference columns available in the report and reference to them using [Entity.ColumnName], for example [Trip.Distance].
Then you can apply any of the syntax that’s available from the MathJS library.
Some examples:
Begin Odometer
[Trip.CalibratedOdoValueEnd] - [Trip.Distance]
Distance marked as Private
([Trip.IsPrivate] == 1 ? [Trip.Distance] : 0) + [Trip.KmPrivate]
Utilization %
([Score.WorkingHoursDurationInSeconds] / [Score.TotalDurationInSeconds]) * 100