Yes you can! Bear in mind the change does not work retroactively, so you will have to wait until the next issues are being calculated. We have enabled default issue settings. You can choose to override the system defaults. You can override issue settings on various levels, for example for as specific customer or for an entire device type. The available levels:
- Platform
- Customer
- Hardware
- Device
For example, if you want to change the minimum number of messages a tracker is supposed to send on a daily basis:
- Go to specific hardware type page
- Click ‘calculation settings’ in the left menu
- Now for the ‘Data consumption (low)’ issue, override the default setting and either lower the threshold or disable the issue entirely by unchecking the ‘active’ checkbox.
Again, this can also be done on a different level. Bear in mind the change does not work retroactively, so you will have to wait until the next issues are being calculated.