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How to map the sensors

Why sensor mapping

Sensor mapping is very important to our application. When we get the data from the Service Provider sensor names are generally in local names and everybody uses their own names for the sensor. This is why we don’t always automatically detect the type of sensor in our system. It is very important for us to know which sensor has which functionality. That is why we developed the sensor mapping screen.

How to map the sensors

Sensor mapping is really easy. In the sensor mapping screen you see a list of all the sensors used on the source platform with the mapped sensor / parameter and the count of use on the source platform. On the left is the name in the source platform and on the right side the sensor type is is mapped to in our system. You can change the mapping so it better reflects the functionality. The changes in mapping are reflected after our issue calculator has had a new run.

I dont see the sensors on the list?

We read the sensors from the source platform. So please make sure the sensors are properly selected in the source platform. Over night our accountsynchronisor will get all new sensors from the source platform and the next days it will show in the list.

Updated on June 8, 2023

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